episcodon.net is a Mastodon server for individuals and groups associated with The Episcopal Church. episcodon.net is not officially affiliated with or endorsed by The Episcopal Church.
Membership on this server is free. However, the cost of maintaining this server is $92 per month. Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation using Patreon.
Our core values as Episcopalians are embedded in the Baptismal Covenant. We encourage all server members to exemplify these values—especially the promise to "strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being"—as they interact with others.
Our server rules are designed to make episcodon.net a safe and enjoyable place for all members. Hate speech of any kind is prohibited. This includes expressions of the following:
If you encounter content that violates server rules, please report it. A server admin will review it as soon as possible. Content that violates server rules will be removed at the sole discretion of the server admin. Users who violate server rules will be suspended at the sole discretion of the server admin.